You can find more of my code on my GitHub account and my work history on my LinkedIn account.
A low-level WebGL2 library that is designed to simplify the developer experience and reduce unnecessary calls to the GPU.
- Automatically disregards redundant API calls.
- Completely abstracts away the management of binding points.
- Provides sensible default parameters to simplify common operations.
- Hides vestigial parameters.
- More completely documented than the WebGL2 API.
A math library that includes a variety of common functions.
- Includes a fast linear algebra API that is optimized for physics- and graphics-related operations.
- Includes a slow linear algebra API that is optimized for developer experience.

I worked as an intern at CodeHS where, among other things, I implemented the Scratch sandbox, which is used to start teaching children how to code.
Other projects that I made significant contributions to include the new sidebar, user settings page, and course completion certificates.
Fun fact: I chose the line that is displayed on the header of the CodeHS landing page.